Source code for dask_mpi.core

import asyncio
import atexit
import sys

import dask
from distributed import Client, Nanny, Scheduler
from distributed.utils import import_term
from tornado import gen
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop

[docs]def initialize( interface=None, nthreads=1, local_directory="", memory_limit="auto", nanny=False, dashboard=True, dashboard_address=":8787", protocol=None, worker_class="distributed.Worker", worker_options=None, comm=None, exit=True, ): """ Initialize a Dask cluster using mpi4py Using mpi4py, MPI rank 0 launches the Scheduler, MPI rank 1 passes through to the client script, and all other MPI ranks launch workers. All MPI ranks other than MPI rank 1 block while their event loops run. In normal operation these ranks exit once rank 1 ends. If exit=False is set they instead return an bool indicating whether they are the client and should execute more client code, or a worker/scheduler who should not. In this case the user is responsible for the client calling send_close_signal when work is complete, and checking the returned value to choose further actions. Parameters ---------- interface : str Network interface like 'eth0' or 'ib0' nthreads : int Number of threads per worker local_directory : str Directory to place worker files memory_limit : int, float, or 'auto' Number of bytes before spilling data to disk. This can be an integer (nbytes), float (fraction of total memory), or 'auto'. nanny : bool Start workers in nanny process for management (deprecated, use worker_class instead) dashboard : bool Enable Bokeh visual diagnostics dashboard_address : str Bokeh port for visual diagnostics protocol : str Protocol like 'inproc' or 'tcp' worker_class : str Class to use when creating workers worker_options : dict Options to pass to workers comm: mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm Optional MPI communicator to use instead of COMM_WORLD exit: bool Whether to call sys.exit on the workers and schedulers when the event loop completes. Returns ------- is_client: bool Only returned if exit=False. Inidcates whether this rank should continue to run client code (True), or if it acts as a scheduler or worker (False). """ if comm is None: from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() loop = IOLoop.current() if not worker_options: worker_options = {} if rank == 0: async def run_scheduler(): async with Scheduler( interface=interface, protocol=protocol, dashboard=dashboard, dashboard_address=dashboard_address, ) as scheduler: comm.bcast(scheduler.address, root=0) comm.Barrier() await scheduler.finished() asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(run_scheduler()) if exit: sys.exit() else: return False else: scheduler_address = comm.bcast(None, root=0) dask.config.set(scheduler_address=scheduler_address) comm.Barrier() if rank == 1: if exit: atexit.register(send_close_signal) return True else: async def run_worker(): WorkerType = import_term(worker_class) if nanny: raise DeprecationWarning( "Option nanny=True is deprectaed, use worker_class='distributed.Nanny' instead" ) WorkerType = Nanny opts = { "interface": interface, "protocol": protocol, "nthreads": nthreads, "memory_limit": memory_limit, "local_directory": local_directory, "name": rank, **worker_options, } async with WorkerType(**opts) as worker: await worker.finished() asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(run_worker()) if exit: sys.exit() else: return False
def send_close_signal(): """ The client can call this function to explicitly stop the event loop. This is not needed in normal usage, where it is run automatically when the client code exits python. You only need to call this manually when using exit=False in initialize. """ async def stop(dask_scheduler): await dask_scheduler.close() await gen.sleep(0.1) local_loop = dask_scheduler.loop local_loop.add_callback(local_loop.stop) with Client() as c: c.run_on_scheduler(stop, wait=False)